Friday, August 11, 2006

Stuck on Java?

So I am knee deep in Java. That is the Java programming language. Mostly this would be due to my work with Java dating back to highschool. It was reinforced when in college Java was used in my introductory courses. I ended up being familiar with Java, and therefore using it more and more.

It helps that when I entered college IDE's for languages such as C/C++ cost money while a half-decent Java IDE would be free. This just added to the ease of use, making Java my pick to write most course related code.

(Sidenote: had I been properly trained in Make I probably would have been a C programmer)

Now I feel pressure as I become more involved in the various Java technologies...

Can any one language do everything? Maybe. But do it well? I would say no. I could be wrong, please prove me so :)

So this pressure I feel is probably due to the fact that there may be a better solution to some of my problems. I don't know if Perl, Ruby, Haskell, C/C++, Basic etc. etc. could provide a cleaner, faster and/or more optimized product.

I guess I should start looking into other languages. Being bilingual in the programming sense could likely bring great benefits. Especially in this age of interoperability between languages.

This seems to strikingly resonate through the current world, where globalization, offshoring etc. are crippeling the dominance of any one force.

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