Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Ruby/Rails update

I've been playing around with Ruby, and the web framework for Ruby called Rails. I'm finding that Rails has some nice benefits. Using rails I've set up a couple database backed web apps from tutorials found online. I also quickly created an AJAX web app which uses Flickr's API to download thumbnails and display them. I've done this and more in two days....and I didn't have more than a couple hours previous experience with Ruby or Rails.

If you are a Perl/PHP/Python programmer and haven't tried Ruby on Rails check it out.

If you are a C/C++/Java/.NET/etc. programmer and haven't tried Ruby on Rails check it out.

Go to the Rails site and get Rails.

You will find directions on getting Ruby, and Rails up and running on your machine. I am working on a MacBook, but I've also installed Ruby and Rails on a Windows machine. It works great on both.

Once you have Ruby & Rails I recommend downloading Mongrel. Find it here.

Mongrel is a lightweight server that will make developing your initial Rails apps easy. I have not had time to investigate but it seems Mongrel is also being used for hosting on the net. Why? I think it has something to do with it being fast, and working well with other technologies. I'll post back with more information when I get it.

Once you get Ruby, Rails, and Mongrel here are some links to tutorials that you should definitely work through:

Do these 'screencasts', they are very informative: link

From the same Rails site check out the 'Rolling with Ruby on Rails' series: link

Find some very interesting articles on using FLEX and Rails: link

And another FLEX/Rails tut: link

There are a lot of good articles out there so if you get hooked on Rails it should not be hard to find more information.

Oh and here is a pretty good online book I found on Ruby itself: link

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