Friday, September 22, 2006

Servicemix, Spring 2.0 Maven poms in central

My work with portals has been stopped as of late. I talked to someone at the Spring project, offereing my services to get some poms together for the Spring dependencies. I found out that Ben Hale, a member of that project is going to be doing this. Can't wait for those to be up. Then I can Maven-ize the petportal app and offer it up.

I have been hacking away at Servicemix, trying to get some things done. First is using a component that comes with Smix for reading from a JMS channel (queue/topic) using JCA to handle all the resources. This component has not worked for me yet. It causes some very wierd behavior when using a durable topic subscriber. The subscriber will not get some of the messages it misses when down. This means that it is not functioning like a durable subscriber. So I gotta fix that issue.... meanwhile I am also working on learning how to create service assemblies for Smix. This allows creating SOAP services in the container, which is what I would like to do eventually. We are running our XFire SOAP services in Tomcat.

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