Well it's been a long time since I've posted anything. Lately there has just been soo many projects, work and pet.
I've spent time playing with Portlets, using the Spring 2.0 MVC and Hibernate. I've also been hacking at an interesting application called 'Democracy Player'. The software has versions for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. Each one uses different means of GUI rendering. On Mac Cocoa is used and on Linux Gtk. It is mostly written in Python, with some C/C++/ObjC used for the native GUI. I'm liking Python, much like I have enjoyed the little work I have got to do with Ruby.
At work it's been lots of integration work. I've been tasked with reimplementing some old integration processes with our new ERP solution. One big integration point in our legacy system is Amazon. I've just finished integrating my companies warehouse fulfillment data with Amazon. Next thing is to integrate our returns/cancellation/refund data with Amazon. I've been doing a bit of tweaking here and there for the order entryways. I created a simple rest like web service to take orders, returning an immediate sales order. This was needed for a couple of satallite sites that we deal with. They need to know right away if a sales order was successfully created. The other entry point which we will soon use for all web order entry is the messaging system. The messaging system makes submitting orders from just about any app, written in any language trivial. It also allows our companies order data to flow smoothly through from web to ERP.
Not a lot new here.... Hopefully I will have something more interesting to post here soon!
Friday, December 08, 2006
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